Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Ironman Cozumel 2011

This could get long.11 of us traveled from Chattanooga, TN to Cozumel Mexico on Thanksgiving day 2011. We drove to ATL airport, flew into Cancun, grabbed a shuttle to Playa del Carmen where we took a ferry over to Couzmel & rented cars to take us to our condos. None of us speak any Spanish. It made for a very long day, but everyone handled it well.
Friday, I picked up my race packet & was planning to pick up my bike that had been shipped using a service called Trisport Express. Unfortunately, the bikes were detained in customs & had not arrived yet. This caused a little unneeded stress.
Rather than get upset, I tried to unwind at our sweet condo on the beach. We stayed at Villas Costa Del Sol & were very happy with the accommodations. The girls went snorkeling right from the beach & I swam with a group here for IM from Texas.
Saturday @ 9am, I was able to pick up my bike. I had a 2 hour window in which I could get the bike in order, stuff my gear bags, ride & get the bike into transition check in. (no pressure)
Sat. 11:30, bike & bags made it into T-1 without incident. All is well. The rest of the day was spent laying around, stretching, hydrating & resting.

Race Day: Sunday 11-17-11
The alarm went off @ 4am. 2 packages of oatmeal, Nuplus & OJ for breakfast w/ Via  coffee from home.
Once dressed it was time to go. I entered T-1 check in @ 5:30 am, prepped my bike with my nutrition, handed my morning clothes to my support team & headed for the water.
2800 athletes joined me @ Chankanaab Park preparing to swim 2.4 miles.

It was a mass in water swim start. I chose to swim close to the buoy line & found myself on the front lines. Water visibility was 100% & it was beyond beautiful. When the gun went off, the swim went as smooth as possible, way better than my last IM swim @ CDA. I was able to get into a comfortable rhythm quickly, until the first turn buoy. That was insane. People were just plain crazy trying to get into that turn. But soon, we were through it & I found a nice easy draft train for the long stretch. There were times that I felt I was swimming too slow, but when I got out of the draft, it didn't take long to realize that the drafting was way easier than swimming on my own. So, I found some bubbles & settled into an easy pace while enjoying the scenery. The sea floor was completely visible, there was brain coral, plethora of fish, scuba divers with cameras, was truly amazing & the highlight of the race. The salt water & accompanying sore throat was not. Official swim time was 1:09. A PR for me, not far off from my goal of 1:10.

It took me a few extra minutes to take off my timing chip, put on my compression socks & put the timing chip back on. I rinsed my feet & dried them too. Actually, I spent a little time in the changing tent while deciding if I should just skip it all & just put on my shoes, skipping socks & all. But due to recent injury, my coach instructed me to wear the socks, so wear the socks I did. Everything else went smoothly as planned. but my T-1 time was 8:44. Room for improvement. Exiting T-1 was pretty epic. Mexico did an excellent job with that aspect.

The bike course was a 3 loop course that circles the bottom half of the island. Starting out easy to get the HR down was a challenge. The road was very rough & the wind was blowing hard. At the bottom of the island, Punta Sur, the course turns north along the ocean. This was a very beautiful course, another highlight of the race. Wind gusts of >20 mph kept the pace down. There were a few wrecks but I remained slow & steady. After the first lap, I dropped my mentos bottle full of salt tabs. I didn't stop to pick them up because I had a back up bottle. However, about 30 minutes later the backup bottle fell out of me bento box over one of the bumps, I needed to stop & get that one but as I looked behind me, there were a dozen riders drafting making it impossible for me to make an abrupt stop. So with  over 50 miles of cycling to go in the dry heat, I had no salt & started to stress. Literally spent the next 30 miles searching the ground as I rode for dropped salt tablets & eventually found someone elses Mento box half full of endurolytes. In the mean time, my back & neck did start to cramp up. The scenery was pretty distracting though. I really think it was an amazing bike course, except for all of the illegal drafting that no official called out even once. So, I guess if you  are looking for a IM that you can draft & get away with it (cheat) then this is your race. I ended with an honest 5:49 bike time. Maybe next time I will be faster. But, that's 30 minutes faster than my IMCDA bike, a PR. My nutrition plan worked well, Ironman perform, concentrated into 2 bottles, water in my front aerobottle & a bottle of 12 diluted vanilla Powergels in my downtube bottle. I put nothing in the special needs bag, my only regret. I should have put a whole bottle of endurolytes in there. Thanks to Andy Sweet & Jamie Ingalls for all the support & preparation on my bike for the race. You guys @ Hub Endurance are the best!

So, it was still sunny entering T-2. My transition time was 2:22. Basically just changed shoes & grabbed my salt tabs & ran out into the amazing crowd cheering. 

Ok, so  this is where the race fell apart. The first 10 k was good & I ran an easy 9 min/mile pace. Then my stomach went crazy & I had to make an emergency porta-john stop. Montezuma's revenge got me. It was a run to the john @ each aid station from that point on. I did nothing different that day that I had not done in training, nutrition wise, but for some reason, my insides turned to water. Then it stormed. It monsooned! The streets of Cozumel flooded with rainwater & sewage for 2 hours. We were running through water up to our knees at some points. For some, I'm sure the break from the heat was welcomed. But for me, not so much. I prefer the heat. So we had 3 laps to finish. @ mile 13, an injury that I did not know I had reared it's head. My left ITB started to throb all the way up into my hip. By mile 18, I wasn't running from porta-john to porta-john, I was hobbling. My tummy would not allow for any nutrition, the only thing that would stay down was cola (Pepsi). Throughout the run, I saw a # of racers fall & pass out & get carried off in the ambulance. Later I would hear Lovato state that he thought this was the hardest 140.6 in all of his 29 IMs because of the elements we endured. I would agree, it was far from easy. The last 5 miles were a little bittersweet. It hurt, but as the finish line drew closer, my pace got faster 7 easier. At the last turn, into the finishing chute, I was actually denied access & told & needed to go "that way",(by some non English speaking locals) so I did. Until the sound of the announcer started to fade & I realized I was going the wrong way. So I turned around, soooo mad & asked the crowd, "where is the finish line!!?" Everyone pointed the opposite direction, where I originally thought I should have gone. AAAARRRRGGGG! So, I turned around & ran back to the chute yelling at the folks who turned me away the first time. (Disadvantage to racing in a 3rd world country, the volunteers were not English speaking nor did they understand what was going on) Finally, I got to the finish line @ 11:43:24 & 21st in AG. Thank goodness. Unimpressive run time of 4:33. Not a PR.

Kudos to my friend & training buddy Jenny Smith who finished in the top 20 of our age group with at time of 11:39:40.

Also, my coach Andy Meyer was super & he helped me so much over the past few months. A year ago, when I asked him if he thought it was possible for me to have a early season of bike racing AND do a late season Ironman, he encouraged me to do so. Very glad he did. I always had a fresh swim workout to keep it interesting & he helped heal my injured legs.

I love & am thankful for all my friends & family, especially my husband Stephen & kids Emma & Alexa for putting up with my training plan, low blood sugars & everything that goes along with Ironman triathlon training. I could never do it without you all.
My dad's guacamole is the best! & my Mom gives amazing leg massages.
Good friends are like good medicine.

So glad to have a week to recover in Cozumel cuz it's freaking COLD back in Tennesee!

The end, for now.

Friday, November 18, 2011

The Day After

One day post laser, the leg is pain free upon awakening. Yay! Not going to run on it quite yet. The thermometer reads 27 degrees & the kids get out of school @ noon. If Im going to get my 3 hour ride in today I have to either layer up & ride in subfreezing weather or ....trainer. Ooltewah has been blessed with a late winter & this is the first day that it has been THIS cold. Since next week is race week in Cozumel (75 degrees) I'm going to wimp out on the winter gear & ride inside. True Blood episodes back to back should keep me somewhat distracted.
 I am lucky to have such good friends. This bike is a friends, since I put Mojo, my bike on a truck last week using Trisport Express. The hope is to find the bike at the expo, all intact ready to race. In the mean time, this bike is a replica of mine & allows me to keep riding in TT position up until we leave. thank you Jenny & James DeLong!
Oh, today is Regis's last day, awhhhh....

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Taper, Injury & all that Jazz

I'm in my 2nd week of taper. 7 days from now the family & I will be traveling to Mexico & our adventure begins. This week of taper has not been what I had planned or hoped for. Last week, after receiving my new shoes in the mail, I went for a long run. The next day, could not even walk without pain. 2 weeks out from my big race, I'm injured! Whaaaaaaaaaatttttt? It feels like shin splints. So,
after a week of treatment with home remedies (R.I.C.E.) & no running the injury was not improving. Desperate for some relief I contacted Dee Martin of Archer PT in hopes that her miracle 380 laser would provide the miraculous cure that I needed. After one treatment of the painless laser I was excited to have a drastic decrease in my pain the next day. That day was spent nursing the leg, eating Ibuprofen, swimming & riding the trainer. But, the following day, the pain was back. So, I decided to get one more treatment. Today, I got a thorough lasering, taping, massaging, stretching session. With only 10 days till the Ironman, Im a little stressed that I can't run. Even a few seconds of running on the treadmill is terribly painful. What is the marathon going to feel like?
The guys at Hub Endurance, Jamie & Andy have been super supportive & helpful through all of this. Lending advice on training, stretching, equipment & even sharing the trigger massage ball with me. They have been a real blessing during this journey.
My coach Andy Meyer of Chattanooga Performance & Biomechanics Rehabilitation has been wonderful as well. He has had his hands full dealing with all of my concerns. I'm so lucky to have his support & expertise.

In the mean time, to keep from going taper crazy, I have made sure to do everything possible to recover. Taking full advantage of the spa deals mentioned previously, my once blistered toes are now polished, buffed & sloughed, legs have been massaged, stretched, hair styled, waxed, plucked, oiled & conditioned. Aside from the pain & not running, I'm enjoying the taper just fine.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Morning Routine

This morning, I chuckled at the realization of all the STUFF I use in my morning routine. Basically, this is has made it's way into my cabinet since training for Ironman. Most of it is stuff I could not "live without".
People sometimes make comments like "how do you do it?" or "how do you juggle everything?" well, this is where it starts. 
Typical day, when I'm not working at the hospital, starts with 
Calli tea,& Fortune delight  super concentrated green tea & herbal beverage that works as an antioxidant & alkalanizes the body. It gives me mental clarity & other noticeable benefits. Ive been using Sunrider products for 7 years.
I wash down the supplements with several glasses of the tea. Supplements include:
5. B 12
So then it's time for breakfast: Oatmeal & Qivana Protein along with my coffee. I know, coffee has lots of controversial effects, but it is a must have in my day.
The Flector patches go wherever my aches & pains are, as does Ibuprofen on occasion. Right now Im wearing Flector patch on my inner shins trying to ward off the evil shinsplint spirit.

Preparing for the days workouts, got to make sure the batteries are charged on the Garmin, the Powertap computer is ready to go. For hydration I'm using Powerbar Ironman Perform
modjo is my prefered drink. It is AMAZING! coconut water & seasalt make the perfect tasting combination for thirsty athletes. We discovered this drink on a long training ride along the beach in Pensacola at a gas station. The trouble is, no one sells it around here. Jenny had to order it online & paid astronomical amounts of shipping costs...I'm down to my last bottle, its sitting, waiting for that one moment when nothing else will do. Please, someone in Chattanooga, become a seller...! 
Moving on, Metasalt or Endurolytes for salt on long rides & runs, to prevent muscle cramps. Powergels & Cliff Bars for calories during long workouts.
Carbogain (maltodextrin) mixed with Metaboliq protein for post workout recovery beverage.

Chamois butter for anywhere that rubs to prevent chafing, & when it's all over, a sleep aid made of Valerian root & Melatonin to make sure my body gets the sleep it needs to recover.
& that is what is in my Ironman cabinet that helps me get "it" all done.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Recovery massage deals

OK, one of the best things I have found for recovery from hard efforts is massage. Here in Chattanooga there is a place that does a fantastic job for a decent price.
A better you day spa sends out DAILY 50% off deals on massage, reflexology, pedicures & facials if you sign up for their email specials. I get a daily email with 1/2 massages. Today, I indulged in the deep tissue massage & it was wonderful. Its always a little awkward trying to explain to the therapist that I swim bike & run 15-20 hours a week & what I really need worked on. Occasionally, you find a therapist who "get's it" & today was on of those days. Best kept secret in Chattanooga.

Racing for Charity

Jenny Smith is my friend and training partner for Ironman Cozumel 2011. She is racing for Thyca Thyroid cancer Survivors. First Giving
Please view her site & donate what you feel impressed to. Fighting cancer during her 140.6 journey.

Long Ride

Nov 4 dated the longest training ride for us. Fort Mountain ride included 95 scenic miles. It veered off suggested route to include several BR stops & 1 store stop. This ride was done on perceived effort only, as borrowed 808 power hub would not pick up & the Garmin battery was dead. Thankfully, I felt good.
The nutrition plan of diluted Powerbar Ironman Perform in the aero bottle along with sipping on a dozen power gels diluted into another aero bottle, endurolytes & water made the perfect combo & legs felt strong, no GI upset or bonking for the entire ride that was followed by a transition run.
We did get a little rain during the ride & winds were 15-20 mph gusts, so hopefully it wont be much windier in Cozumel. The 404/808 wheel set up rode fast & steady.

22 day countdown

November 6, 2011
Life has been kind of busy, blogging has not been top priority. Guess that is what Ironman training does, life becomes fight or flight & only the most important of tasks in life get done. Juggling being a mother, working as an ICU nurse & training has not been "easy". Oh, and helping to manage our women's bicycle race team Mystique is and added ingredient to my hectic life.
Things that have been learned since beginning this journey:
1. Get training done early in the day, you never know what the day is going to throw at you later...
2. Must have a good recovery product after the more challenging workouts. I prefer Hammer recoverite. I can tell an obvious difference in level of fatigue after workouts when I forget to use it.
3. Zoot recovery tights are a leg saver. 12 hour shifts at work feel like 140.6 sometimes & I wear these under my scrubs. Usually have to run >2 hours the next day & the legs always feel 3X fresher than when I don't wear them.

The last long ride is in the books, nutrition finally dialed in. I had been experimenting with Infinit, but experienced G.I blowup after 3 hours on the bike, numerous times. (this is with no protein in the mix). So, on advice from my coach I decided to go with the old standby, powergel & Ironman perform & water.
After 2 years of competitive bicycle training & racing, that is what I have always used, in centuries, road races, mountain bike races & such & it has always worked. Not sure why I thought Ironman required special nutrition & went astray, but I am glad to have my nutrition for the big race figured out. Let's hope it works.