Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Morning Routine

This morning, I chuckled at the realization of all the STUFF I use in my morning routine. Basically, this is has made it's way into my cabinet since training for Ironman. Most of it is stuff I could not "live without".
People sometimes make comments like "how do you do it?" or "how do you juggle everything?" well, this is where it starts. 
Typical day, when I'm not working at the hospital, starts with 
Calli tea,& Fortune delight  super concentrated green tea & herbal beverage that works as an antioxidant & alkalanizes the body. It gives me mental clarity & other noticeable benefits. Ive been using Sunrider products for 7 years.
I wash down the supplements with several glasses of the tea. Supplements include:
5. B 12
So then it's time for breakfast: Oatmeal & Qivana Protein along with my coffee. I know, coffee has lots of controversial effects, but it is a must have in my day.
The Flector patches go wherever my aches & pains are, as does Ibuprofen on occasion. Right now Im wearing Flector patch on my inner shins trying to ward off the evil shinsplint spirit.

Preparing for the days workouts, got to make sure the batteries are charged on the Garmin, the Powertap computer is ready to go. For hydration I'm using Powerbar Ironman Perform
modjo is my prefered drink. It is AMAZING! coconut water & seasalt make the perfect tasting combination for thirsty athletes. We discovered this drink on a long training ride along the beach in Pensacola at a gas station. The trouble is, no one sells it around here. Jenny had to order it online & paid astronomical amounts of shipping costs...I'm down to my last bottle, its sitting, waiting for that one moment when nothing else will do. Please, someone in Chattanooga, become a seller...! 
Moving on, Metasalt or Endurolytes for salt on long rides & runs, to prevent muscle cramps. Powergels & Cliff Bars for calories during long workouts.
Carbogain (maltodextrin) mixed with Metaboliq protein for post workout recovery beverage.

Chamois butter for anywhere that rubs to prevent chafing, & when it's all over, a sleep aid made of Valerian root & Melatonin to make sure my body gets the sleep it needs to recover.
& that is what is in my Ironman cabinet that helps me get "it" all done.

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