About Me

Believe in your dream
My triathlon addiction began 10 years ago, I was 26. Growing up, I never competed in any type of athletics, I was more of a punk. I have no swimming background, never ran track or cross-country or competed in, ANYTHING.
11 years ago, my husband & I were considering buying motorcycles, shopping around & we ended up in our LBS. We drove home with 2 road bicycles (not motor bikes) instead. It was arguably one of our best purchases ever. I remember our first ride was like 7 miles. A few weeks later we were up to 20 miles. And when we conquered our first 40 miler, whoo-hoo, we thought we were tough stuff! Now we both race bikes.

3 months after the birth of my 2nd daughter, I competed in my first triathlon; an effort to lose the baby weight. It was a local sprint & my ex-sister in law ran passed me in the finishing chute. It's been full on ever since. My youngest is 9 years old, my oldest is 16. (that deserves a blog all it's own)
 Since then, over the last 6 years I have raced 2 Ironman triathlons, 12:18 for CDA & 11:45 for COZ. 9 years of racing has brought me several podium spots & even a few overall wins. I took some time off from tri's to race my bike & in 2010, won the Tn state Championship for my category, both the overall & the TT champ. Since then, Ive added over 75 bicycle races to the list. One can begin to see why I refer to the sport as my "addiction".
Now I am switching gears back into triathlon with the mission of chasing the Kona dream.When I first started triathlons, I created a long term goal of qualifying by the age of 40. Im now 36. So, why not? Along the way, inspiring others to live more complete & healthy lives is one of my missions. My career as an RN, gives me a  flexible schedule, but also connects me with people in need. My hobby helps me be a better person, I strive to be the best by eating the best, feeling the best & thinking the best. This allows me to help others to be their best. Some of my stories will end up on this blog, in hopes of inspiring someone else, one day.
Anything is possible

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